Monday, December 20, 2010

Confederate C3 X132 HELLCAT 4

- precision, hell of an aggressive style and some beautiful use of materials, black and silver never looked so sharp . ME LIKE THAT
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Annsoco's latest art work :"Le Cabinet de Curiosité d'Ann'SoCo"

- French artist Ann'soco's latest artwork for her current exibition called "Le Cabinet de Curiosité d'Ann'SoCo" is a mix of ladies portrait paintings and various customized objects and curiosities finished with gold leaves and svarovski crystals . I really like her work and she also happened to be my sister but this has nothing to do with it ;)
check her website for more infos .
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Apple TV 2nd generation wood covers by lazerwood.

- New product launch by lazerwood, real wood covers for apple TV 2nd generation .

" No, Apple TV doesn't really need protection, but our beautiful wood cover does make the shiny black puck look a little more domestic. Choose either walnut or black stained cherry finish.

Laser cut to fit exactly to the contour of the top, our peel and stick wood veneer adheres solidly to the top of the new Apple TV."

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Friday, December 17, 2010

First 3d printable font by F.O.C

- Freedom of creation came up with that surprising 3d printable font called kashida and an easy set up page online to type (both Latin and Arabic) characters and order you own 3d printed sign/name/whatever you like to write down, it's costly but it's new to , go check it out, it's worth a visit.
Developed by Yara Khoury and Melle Hammer in collaboration with Freedom Of Creation and upon invitation by the Khatt foundation for Arabic typography and design research.
fabricated on demand and shipped worldwide apparently .
try the latin version
try the arabic version

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bufalino by cornelius comanns

bufalino' by german industrial designer Cornelius Comanns is a small camper aka autonomous life cell,
which offer absolute flexibility during periods of travel. the vehicle is based
on the existing piaggio 1948 APE 50( still on the market today)  three wheeled light transport vehicle; a model chosen for its economic and fuel efficient benefits.
Cornelius has been interning in the past at Pininfarina's Turin studio and at Art lebedev in Moscow.
The ultimate pocket RV .more info

Monday, November 22, 2010

Shameless self promo : Celsius 100 by bnko

-Based on a Celsius vinyl blank toy , Celsius 100 is a boiling little cyclop using steam power to fly . Go check more picture via the bnko studio link.
No glue was used to create this cute rusted angel , only friction fit , patience piercing and surgery .
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Friday, November 19, 2010

Machine à Ecrire le Temps by Jaquet Droz

- La Machine à Ecrire le Temps or ‘The Machine That Writes the Time’ is a machine that write times instead of showing it , you need to physically . It’s development and construction took almost a decade, and the final product contains over 1,200 components including 84 ball bearings, 50 cams, 9 belts and is protected by an aluminum and liquid crystal glass case allowing the inner workings to be obscured at the push of a button."

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

if you love product design , you'll love manufacturing process

-For the love of manufacturing Process , i am proud to present you the product by process blog, it's basically a video blog about industrial process, it's not about the finished product here, it's about how it's made, what kind of finish you can apply on a raw piece of aluminum, it's about plastic molding, metal stamping,3d printing or sand casting. It's all there,old technology , experimental process or what will shape the future of our everyday future in term of production .

- Product by process is trying to be a tool for designers , material passionate or just curious users that are wondering or not about how we "design" things.

Ultimately part of the design process, defining the best manufacturing processes,or the choice of material and finishes is one or probably the most important part of the product realization and ultimately influence and define the experience you'll have with the finished product .

Go check it out ,and enjoy some basics, some fun and some crazy necessary step to create your everyday products that surrounds you.

-visit product by process

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The fantastic work of Ionna Vautrin

-Randomly wondering about the designer of the latest lamp for foscarini called Binic, i rapidly discovered that "A LOT" of my favorite pieces of design were actually designed by the same designer : Ionna Vautrin ...
From my early love with Industreal and the "pour ma retraite" piggy bank to the Panier percé designed in 2005 or later 2006; the Vases texturés edited by Indutreal , the Glass and porcelain vases for the Fabbrica del vapore in 2008, all those projects have been realized in collaboration with Guillaume Delvigne .I even remember that Palm leaf woven pair of shoes in 2003, the Palm Shoes , all of those have definitely influenced choices and created a calm, yet rich aesthetic that i'm really appreciating.
I'm glad i finally found this designer portfolio and will definitely follow her in the future.
Great work there.

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Monday, November 15, 2010


-FINE COLLECTION OF CURIOUS SOUND OBJECTS is a project by Georg Reil and KAthy Scheuring frm the university of applied Sciences Wurzburg-Schweinfurt.
very inspiring interactions schems with object and sounds reactions.
realized with arduino and processing .
From the author:

The arrangement includes six exceptional exhibits from the world of sounds and acoustics. At first sight looking trivial, each object incorporates a very unique ability.

The magical character of each object is accompanied with a little story, almost completely concealing the existence of technical components such as speakers or sensors. Only small connection ports as well as the uniform black finishing point to thier unusual abilities.

In form and functionalty all these exhibits pursue John Maeda’s „Simplicity“. They are enjoying to use, they are surprising and one wants to explore and investigate them.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Roger molls Rewind

-Did you get your roger molls album REWIND yet ?
it's called Rewind and it's a must have so go GET IT ..
see it on itunes
check his website
check his myspace

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Give the gift of water

-I work at Teague, a design consultancy based in Seattle, and water is a daily subject.. i mean, it rains a lot :) , but for once we are trying to be a little bit more deep about water, or especially water usage ..

The Interaction design team started to install an homemade water level on the kitchen tap wired to an ipad , basically a pretty fancy way to check out our water consumption, a month later here is the result, I'm proud of this initiative and gave for the cause , if you have a little bit of time to check out the project and a tiny bit of money to give then we'll definitely thank you, but i'm sure you'll find yourself thanking yourself for doing something actually useful online ;) .Anyway take a minute to go through that project , it's actually interesting .

"There is a water problem on planet Earth. We are running out of clean water to use because we are using up our limited fresh water supply at an untenable rate.

You would not assume this when using the average kitchen faucet: water appears to flow infinitely. We lift the handle, interact with a 13 inch stream of water for a few seconds, and then it’s gone–down the drain like magic.

For most of us, the ease with which we access and use water in our daily lives sits in stark contrast with what we increasingly know to be true: the stuff is scarce. The very unit of measure by which we are billed for its usage, CCF (748 gallon increments), is so generous it makes this vital substance appear cheaply abundant not to mention infinite. Furthermore, while CCF measurements allow us to calculate average usage, utility bills don’t isolate specific activities like washing dishes or brushing teeth, so there is no way to pinpoint where water is being overused–and where it could be conserved.

Recognizing this fact, the interaction design team at Teague decided to make a device that allowed us to take a measurement at points of use. Working with our in-house physical prototyper, the team built a Wi-Fi connected water meter and attached it to the faucet in our studio kitchen...."

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Monday, November 01, 2010

Cable light by Piks design

-You know piks design? , a small yet soon to be Big global design company back in Northern France , Roubaix "59" to be exact , anyway , Piksor Pierrick and Sylvain Taillard ,Christine Cordelette as founders created the Cable light and many other products, but this one is special to me .
I had the chance to visit their studio last year and found that product particularly interesting and eye catching, so here it is ,A simple metal structure and a fabric cable that you can wrap around to choose or define the silhouette of the product , obviously you can change the cable color to match it to your home environment ...

Go check their website for more infos and keep an eye on PIKS design . Cinq neuf forever ;)
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Friday, October 29, 2010


Pumpkin carving contest at work today , this is our pumpkin, we won , yeahhh ;)

Energetic flyer art by SUFFIX

-One word for those guys coming from switzerland, Insane energy , that's two words actually , oh well, those guys do posters, flyers, graphic and motion graphic, check their website for more awesomeness..

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