Tuesday, October 03, 2006

zenum technologies

-Here it is .
we posted the black diamond concept 6 month ago in the design llamaand ...tadaaa
some news about this good designer named jaren goh
Zenum is A company that produces phones and mp3 player , looks like its created by Jaren Goh , or at least designed by .. I'm really not sure its a real company or if its a big buzz, in order to speak about JG design but , it works , its a nice looking product with interesting features, i mean , its a nice rendering for now . let's see in the future if this became a real product or if it stay at the concept stage .. we'll keep you informed .here is the phone and the mp3 player.
jaren goh
zenum technologies


  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    From information of whois.net,
    zenum VIPN and fimsi

    websites and companies seem to exist and belong to the same company working in phone and internet technologies :


    I hope the guys will be strong enough to support the development of such products. Visually they look great.

  2. Anonymous12:21 AM

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